
The following tutors can be contacted by email. If a tutors name is in green you can click on it to go to a page with more information about that tutor.



Age Range

Literacy & Numeracy


Ros Markendale Faversham 6 to Adult Both rossmarkendale [@] hotmail.com 07427994901
Fiona Cross Rochester 5 to 11 Literacy jamestlcross@aol.com 01634 405526
Jacqui Frances Maidstone 6 to Adult Literacy jacsbarn@gmail.com 07 876 474 096
Alison Gollay Medway 16 to Adult Literacy and Numeracy alisongollay@yahoo.co.uk  

Adult tuition:- The following tutors teach adults Anne Blesky, Ros Markendale Jacqui Frances and Alison Gollay

Please email or ring a tutor in your area to see if they have a vacancy.

If a tutor does not have a vacancy they will put your name or your child's name on their waiting list.

Anne Powell

co-ordinator dyslexia.house@gmail.com 07939232537

Whilst we require our tutors to provide us with copies of their SpLD teaching certificate it is the responsibility of parents to check that their chosen tutor has the required DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) formally CRB (Criminal Record Bureau) certificate

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